Videos |
Descriptions of the videos 2 to 26.pdf Infos zum Abspielen der Videos auf XP und LINUX, Sep.12, 2008.pdf Video 21, Serial Nr 13, Dynamic flight, Aug 20th, 2008 .mp4 Video 22, VEDA at Technorama, April 3rd, 2009.AVI Info to Video 10 and 11, SwissGyro serial Nr. 16.doc Info to video 7-9, SwissGyro Serial Nr 12 at HTI.doc Video 10 Precise Indoor Landings.mp4 Video 11 Demo of the auto-stability.mp4 Video 7, Indoor HTI 1.3GP Video 8, Indoor HTI 2.mp4 Video 9, Outdoor HTI 1.mp4